What are the Betfair commission rates for each state?

Betfair has a standard commission rate of 5%. That applies to almost every sport, in every country, around the globe…except Australia.

Due to the differing fees charged by the NRL and the various racing commissions, Betfairs commission rate in Australia is variable.

The rates for racing are dependent on the state in which the race is being run (note: it doesn’t matter which state you are in). The rates for thoroughbred horse racing are as follows:

  • NSW & ACT: 10%
  • All Other States/Territories: 7%

NRL has a commission of 10%. As a result it is often better to dutch NRL bets rather than lay them.

The commission rates can change from time to time. You can get up-to-date info, plus the rates for trots and greyhounds, on this page.

You can also find the commission rate for a specific market by clicking on the ‘Rules’ button.

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